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Regional Cultural Center Activation Project






Recently, as the cultural content industry develops, interest in local culture increases as a source of contents and the necessity of local culture recognized as a way to strengthen the local community.


It has to be done culture center of each region that the role is reservation and succession the region culture.

229 local cultural centers are running nationwide.

Even so, we don't have a space to pursue our business also we don't have the proper function.


We suggest the independence culture space of enough facilities for preserve and succeed the local culture.

This is only one culture center among never use the name each region and it is now located together in another facility.
Also It is operating on a scale that is below the legal facility standards. 

So we were select this space because of this had parking spaces and play spaces, right of light.








This is video with interview of Nakdong culture center concern.

In short, he said "Our culture center hinder accessibility because it located halfway up the mountain and it is designed facing west that's why visitors are very cold. We have not minimum space despite of legislate. So we also need an independent culture center." 

So we drew a conclusion like this.  


Culture center need communication and harmony also it has to be a space that local people have fun the culture and be conscious of important of culture preservation.


Therefore, based on origin of the name of a place and local culture of Gupo, overall it designed the independent culture center under the motive of Five-colored and Pattern of turtle shells.



 Idea sketch.







































'Design' 카테고리의 다른 글

3D Max  (0) 2018.05.14
Animals Behavioral Clinic  (0) 2018.05.13